
Friday 15 May 2015

Tried and Tested: Tanya Burr Individual Lashes

I am by far no expert when it comes to false lashes. Sure, I'm quite the dab hand when it comes to applying a good set of lashes out of a tube of mascara, as you'll know if you read this post - but falsies? Until recently, I was yet to even give them a go. However, as you would have know if you read this post back at the start of the year, I pledged to make the year of 2015 the one when I finally plucked up the courage to buy a set and give them a chance. So when my 18th birthday rolled round last week I did exactly that and being one of Tanya Burr's biggest fans of course it was to her recently-launched collection that I headed first...

Despite my lack of experience when it comes to lashes of the fake variety, I do possess some form of knowledge and common sense and so am fully aware of the 'strip' lashes and feel I have some (emphasis on 'some', here) clue as to how they're applied. Grab a lash, apply some glue down the 'stem', leave for a while to get 'tacky' and then somehow manoeuvre it onto your upper lashline. if only it was actually that simple in practice, eh? But the whole 'individual' lash thing was a completely new concept to me and so when I saw Tanya had a pack of those in her range I picked them up, mainly out of curiosity.
When Tanya's lash collection first launched, I did see some reviews pop up here and there round the bloggersphere and so had an idea as to how people got on with them and for the most part - they got the thumbs up from the majority of testers. I also remember seeing some specifically about these individuals in question and recall many bloggers raving about them being their personal favourite due to their suitability for newcomers, ability for customisation to create the lash look you want and ease of application. This was all running through my head when I popped a pack in my basket thinking 'they can't be too hard, eh?'.
Not gonna lie, when these were first given a road-testing a few days before I'd planned to use them in 'public' for my birthday - this statement was proven to be for the most part a great underestimation on my part. I picked out my lashes - opting for only the 'Middle' and 'Short' and ignoring the 'Long' which I quickly deemed would be far too long for my eye shape and the fact I'd never worn lashes before would've made them look even more out of place. Upon other's recommendation, I grabbed a lash, applied some glue to the root, waited for a few seconds and quite literally 'dropped' in down on top of my natural lashes where I wanted it to be. Whilst this worked incredibly well for my left eye, when it came to my right - it was a completely different story. Glue was going everywhere, lashes were just not sitting in line with my natural ones and clumping together - you get the picture. In the end I was left with one fairly successful first attempt and another rather horrendous one.
Despite this, they did stay on all day and the removal process at the end of it all was a fairly easy and quick one. So a few days later I cracked them out again, still determined to make my next go one which caused the same effect I achieved on my 'good' eye but this time replicated on both. This time, I tried something different. I figured that whilst on my 'good' eye I was using my right hand to cross over and apply to my left eye, for my right I was simply applying 'straight on' - if that makes any sense - from my right hand to right eye. So this time I switched things round and tried using the same technique which worked for both eyes - this time going from left hand to right eye - and found things to work so much easier. The new angle meant I could apply the lashes much more easily so they fell in line with how my own ones naturally winged outwards and blended in so much better. At last - success all round!
All in all, I think these individuals are pretty good for newbies like myself as they do come in a much less daunting form than the strips and allow for much greater flexibility and customisation - whether you want a natural look or more 'statement' lashes - you can apply as little or as many as you want in whatever length you feel you need to achieve the effect you're going for.
Individual lashes - done. Now maybe it's finally time to get my hands on a full set *makes eyes at the rest of Tanya's collection*...

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