
Monday 8 June 2015

Getting Back Into The Liner Thang...

I used to nearly always possess one of those black lines drawn across my top lash-line. In other words - I used to be the world's biggest fan (Ok maybe not that far) of liquid liner. Up until a couple of years ago I'd got to the stage where I'd got my favourite product/s down, got my tools and techniques sorted and was pretty darn good at doing a feline flick pretty much every morning. Then something changed.

I don't know why, but I sort of fell out of love with it all. From what I remember I fancied a change for what was supposedly only going to be a little while, then before I knew it I discovered other ways of making my eyes up that I perhaps preferred and then before I knew it the liquid stuff was all but abandoned in an instant. I started liking makeup that was more quick and simple but still gave me a similar effect (but perhaps a tad more natural) and fell back in love with the kohl side of eye liner (as you would have read about here). Alongside this came the transition into favouring colours more in the brown colour spectrum.
But over the last few weeks, when experimenting with my makeup - as I frequently like to do - I started to attempt to recreate this 'April' look of the past and have really been enjoying the results. In summary - Black? Check. Liquid? Not so. After so long away from the fluid stuff it'll take a little more time to get back into the swing of it, but I've still been managing to get my fix but employing other products instead. I like to firstly take a plain matte black eyeshadow (the best quality to can find - you want this to really come out black, not wish-washy grey). I then take this on my Real Techniques Accent Brush (any brush this style will be perfect) and use the top, flat edge to pack on the pigment along my top lash line to map out that classic feline flick. I like to start with the flick itself before moving along and taking the colour back along my natural lashline, so that by the time I've reached where I want the line to stop (usually around the middle of my eye) I have the least amount on my brush so the colour almost naturally fades out into nothing. I then take a black kohl (I like to use the Rimmel Scandaleyes Kohl Kajal in Black) to subtly draw onto top of this and define and deepen up that line even more.
And viola! Black liquid liner (minus the liquid) - done.


  1. At the moment I'm trying to rock eyeliner a lot often. The technique as you've written about is literally saving my life every morning!
    I really want to learn to apply eyeliner like a pro! Though my left eye usually ends up looking better :D

    1. Ahhh - glad you found it useful! Haha, I think we'd all love to be able to do liner just like *that*, but I think we just have to accept that most of the time our eyes are sisters, not twins! X
