
Friday 19 June 2015

The Summer Transition

Today I'm coming at ya with the second instalment of my Seasonal Transition posts, and of course with my last one (which you can find here) being focused on Spring, this time round I'm chatting all things Summer. As before, I'll be taking you through some small tweaks you can make to your current makeup offerings to make it more appropriate for the changing climate. With the thought of being all Summer-ready in our minds expect dewy skin, bronzed face/eyes/everything and a good dose bright colour on your nail beds...

STICK TO THE SPF - An important one, and one which you cannot really afford to skip when the weather starts to heat up a bit. I personally believe it's important to always be conscious of sun protection all year round, as when you think about it - we're always under the darn thing, right? But particularly in Summer-time, slapping some sun lotion onto your limbs and using a face cream for the daytime with added SPF really is an essential in my opinion.

BRING OUT YOUR BB'S (or anything closely resembling one) - In Spring I like to stick to the lighter end of the foundation area of the spectrum as although things may be hotting up (slowly but surely), the heat isn't that unbearable to require anything more sheer. In Summer, however, I like to head straight for the BBs, and by that I'm including anything vastly resembling one - tinted moisturisers, BB/CC creams - the lot. These work well as both a final skincare step and uber-lightweight base and generally wear far better in even the hottest of heatwaves (which to be honest, is a rare occurrence in the UK, but anyway).

BE A BRONZED BABE (sort of) - Unlike Spring where I like to stick to the pinkier side of things when it comes to what I apply to my cheek area (out of blush, bronzer and highlighter), in Summer I go the other way and stay exclusively to bronzer - pretty much missing out on the highlighter entirely. I find this just helps add to the whole 'beach babe' vibe that everyone likes to attempt to rock over the warmer months (me included) and either help preserve a natural tan or help disguise the fact you're yet to catch one at all. I also like to extend this theme into my eye makeup menu  (as shown in this post I did back last Summer-time) and tend to opt for light golden shades on my lids over the Summer paired simply with lashings of mascara to help tie in with this effect.

PINK ME UP - When we start to head into the Summer months I like to really up my game in the colour department, and usually go straight for anything pink or coral-based. I find these really help to perk up your bronzed complexion (natural or fake) and pair well with the brights I like to rock on my nail beds (see below). Dusky pink eyes, fuschia lips, coral tips - done. Although perhaps not all at the same time...

GO BRIGHT ON YOUR BEDS - As I mentioned in my above point, it's at this point in the year that I like to start 'going bright or going home' on my nails. It seems my beds do a rotation over the course of the year with everything from pastels to dark plums getting pride of place over the 12 months of the year, but right now I'm loving anything bright, bold and eye-catching. I find as a result Summer's usually when I'm most relaxed with the whole nail-painting process, with me being much more of a 'slap on a colour and go' type of gal rather than getting all fancy-shmancy with glitter or anything like that. If you're looking for some inspo - a few posts in my 'Polish Pick' series here may just tickle your fancy...

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